I've got a case of the blues and the mean reds.
The blues kinda suck. They're because a lot of things, including, famously, because I'm getting fat and it's been raining too long. Their just sad, that's all.
But the mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of.
I truly do think I'm too much like Holly. Not incredibly stylish or painfully beautiful, no. Not fabulous or coveted.
In all the ways that scare and devastate me when I watch. The reasons I hated her on the first go-around. Not her, no, but I did hate the film.
I think because I found it altogether to personal. I wanted to cameras to go away....no one needs to witness my fears and problems and pain and screw-ups, I thought, forgetting the separation between us, our lack of one-ness, Holly and I.
And yet now I desperately cling to the vision that she gives me. That there, perhaps, is beauty in all this mess. That through it all, even if we want to deny it, or wreck it all, someone might come along that will make it alright.
Someone that I'll belong to. Someone who will know my name.